My grandfather's name was Reg Silletto. What a name. He was, and
continues to be, an inspiration to me and I'd like to share why.
My earliest memories of him always involved him peering at me over
the business pages of The Daily Telegraph. He was the entrepreneur of the
family, a great salesman (and talker), and meticulous with numbers.
The story begins in the 1950's where he'd become sales director of
a well established engineering firm in Scotland . He travelled widely, particularly
across Northern Ireland
and the Republic and got to understand the challenges small farmers faced. In Ireland
inherited land was divided between sons rather than passing to the first born
meaning that over the centuries farms became smaller and smaller making it
extremely difficult to make a decent living.
Following the unexpected death of the firm's well respected
managing director, the board decided to bring in a new MD with a very chequered
past and a suspected history of defrauding unsuspecting investors. Reg's opinion was that the new guy was a con man, and protested the same
to the board. His disapproval was met with deaf ears though, and he was issued
an ultimatum - either fall in line or show yourself the door.
He chose the latter. Whether it was out of genuinely out of principle
or pride I'll never know. Maybe it was a bit of both. I'd like to believe that
his values drove his decision though, that he felt that he couldn't work for
alongside others who tolerated dishonesty, and that his complicity would define
him accordingly.
Meanwhile, in Denmark a young engineer was working on a new prototype that would eventually
revolutionise the farming industry in Ireland . Small but powerful
machinery that perfectly suited the small farms found up and down the country.
If his first decision took principles, the next one took courage.
The Danish engineer offered him three prototypes to sell in Ireland and the whole family invested everything
they had relocating to Drogheda . The risks
were huge, going it alone to sell an unknown, untested product in a foreign
country would eventually exhaust all their savings. When they arrived the
family were so poor that my Mum had to go to school in her old uniform because
they couldn't afford new clothes.
He set up premises on a disused piece of land next to a railway
station, painted the new machines himself and sold them. The rest is history,
orders came flooding in, a new factory was built and dealerships throughout Ireland , Scotland
and England
opened. Years later, with delicious irony, he was even offered the opportunity to
take over his old firm who by then had fallen on hard times. In the end he
decided against it and they eventually went under.
In his later years he branched into property and invested wisely
in the stock market. He used to split his portfolio and go head to head with
his investment firm which year after year he'd usually outperform.
He wasn't perfect of course. As with so many entrepreneurs who
focus so intently on their businesses, his family felt his absence. Although he
inspired loyalty, he was a difficult man who wanted things his own way and
wasn't tolerant of those who didn't bow to his authority. But at his core, I
like to believe that he was a man driven to success, but not at the expense of
his principles which is why I respected him so much.
So why am I telling you all this? Well, had Reg been alive today
he almost certainly would have believed that many of the problems facing
developing countries could be solved through trade and enterprise. And I
believe the same.
In her unflinching book Dead
Aid, Dambisa Moyo highlights the fall out of decades on unchecked
government aid doled out to African dictatorships. Put very simply, her
argument is two-fold: One, at a systemic level aid made these new African economies
inefficient, corrupt and ill equipped to compete on a global scale which is why
Asia and South America 's growth in comparable
free market economies has been significantly faster. Two, that at an individual
level aid creates a dependency culture where people and their communities learn
to rely on hand outs rather than work towards prosperity.
Across East Africa I've seen the
dependency culture for myself. Why would you go out and work or collaborate
with your community to improve yourselves when the white man will come and do
it for you for free? At Alekii I was angered but not surprised that one of the
teachers quipped 'Yes but the musungos (whites) will just pay for everything'
whilst talking about the future of the school.
Working in Uganda
I remember a volunteer teacher who bought a pair of shoes for one of her pupils
because he had injured his toe on the 3 mile walk to school he did barefoot
every day. Completely understandable, but the unintended consequences were
grizzly - the following day five or six of her classmates came to school with
cuts on their feet that they had inflicted on themselves with razor blades to
get new shoes.
This is an isolated, extreme case of course, but perhaps symbolic
of the dependency culture and behaviours that we in the West can stimulate
through aid.
Clearly philanthropy (and in fact aid) still has an essential role
to play in development overseas, particularly with health and humanitarian
response where there are scant alternatives. However, for Alekii to stand on
its own, the solution has to be free enterprise which can run alongside the
school providing a sustainable income and creating jobs and opportunity for the
community. The challenge, of course, is capital.
Impact investing has been around for half a decade and is rapidly
growing in popularity in the financial sector. It can take various different
forms, and investors may expect various different levels of return, however
what is common is that there is a measurable impact which is reported alongside
the return on investment.
I've always believed that at it's purest sense modern consumerism
is a quite a good proxy for democracy. Every time you buy something you vote.
You vote for a company's ethical policies, their commitment to workers' safety. Of course this assumes we are all informed consumers which isn't always the case, but the truth is that
we hold a lot more power in our everyday spending than we realise.
This is doubly true of our investments where we have real scale
and influence to demand that we not only make a good return, but that we also
create some positive change that mirrors our own values. I don't see why
creating a positive impact and making a return on an investment should be
mutually exclusive.
It's for this reason that I'm launching The Alekii Harambee Club -
an impact investment club in partnership with the Alekii Centre.
In Kiswahili 'Harambee' literally means 'all pull together', or joining
hands as a group, community or even country to achieve a particular goal. It
became common language as Kenya
gained independence from British colonial rule in the early sixties where the likes
of Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya 's
first president) strove to join the many disparate tribes in search of self
determination, unity and prosperity. In modern Kenya the word harambee provokes a
sense of togetherness - the Kenyan national football team for example are known
as the Harambee stars.
The concept for the club is simple - members will invest in new
start up businesses on Rusinga Island that a. provide above market returns for
investors and b. deliver benefit to the community by way of education,
employment or other social/environmental benefit.
Profits over a fixed term will be divided 50:50 between club
members and the Alekii Centre to invest in education, youth training,
healthcare and other measurable social impact programmes which will be reported
to club members along with their earnings. After the term has expired the
enterprise and it's assets are released back to the community.
I know many of you have expressed an interest in this kind of
programme in the past. Either because you share these kind of views on
development, have become disillusioned with traditional philanthropy or are
just looking for good investment opportunities for your portfolios.
As I write I'm in Nairobi dotting the I's and crossing the T's of
our pilot enterprise business plan which looks extremely promising as well as a
club constitution for new members.
I'll be approaching some of you directly with our plans over the
coming weeks, but if you're interested in joining the Alekki Harambee Club then
please comment or email me at
and I'll make sure you're part of the first initial offering which is due to
complete in August.
We plan to start small and prove the concept works, but our aspirations
are much larger. The beauty of an enterprise approach to development is that it
can be quickly scaled, and I hope in ten years time the club will become a
significant force for good in the local area backed by a group of happy
investors in the UK .
I owe a lot to my Grandfather. Many of the decisions I've made in
my life simply wouldn't have been possible without him and I've always held
myself accountable to his ideals and values. In launching the Alekii Harambee
Club I hope to, in my own small way, emulate the traits that made him great -
becoming an entrepreneur, acting according to my values and having courage.
I hope
you'll consider joining me.
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